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Building Relationships as a CoS and Executive Coach with Katherine Huang

Building Relationships as a CoS and Executive Coach with Katherine Huang

Learn about Building Relationships with Katherine Huang, Founder of Flywheel Executive Coaching and former Chief of Staff at Bubble and Hyperscience

You will learn:

-how Katherine got her first CoS role via an investor introducing to the Hyperscience

-how Katherine first got introduced to coaching when  had the experience of hiring an executive coach for our entire leadership team to work on the cross functional collaboration and communication there.

-how when Katherine started working with a coach at Bubble she saw huge benefits of working with a coach

-how Katherine first started coaching a friend while she was working as a CoS at Bubble

-how there is a fine line on what you can be transparent about, share what you know, share what you're able to help with, and work together with someone to build that trust, but also maintain discretion and what you have been privy to

-how Katherine recovered from a time when she was too open in what she shared as a CoS

-the importance of making offsites and IRL meetings really impactful for relationship building in a hybrid world

-how Katherine started her coaching business by doing free consultations and then asking for testimonials

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