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Mastering the 'Backpocket' Deck: Tips for CEOs and CFOs

Mastering the 'Backpocket' Deck: Tips for CEOs and CFOs


The 'backpocket' deck is a secret weapon for CEOs and CFOs. It's the go-to resource for important data and insights, ready to be pulled out at a moment's notice. In a recent discussion, Bianca Jackson sought advice on maintaining such a deck and automating the process. Professionals chimed in with their insights and tips. In this blog post, we explore their recommendations for creating and automating a powerful 'backpocket' deck.

The Power of the 'Backpocket' Deck

A 'backpocket' deck is a condensed repository of critical data and insights that CEOs and CFOs can access on the fly. It serves as a valuable resource during meetings, presentations, or unexpected discussions. Here's what the discussion revealed:

  1. Notion Template: Sandy recommended using Notion, a versatile workspace tool, to create a template. This template can house essential data and be linked to data visualization tools like Metabase or Mode for real-time updates.
  2. Organized Workbook: Amy Zhang shared her approach of using an organized workbook with tabs for specific exhibits. It includes a one-pager summary that links to each exhibit, providing quick access to detailed information.
  3. Integration with Google Sheets: Aditi Bhatia suggested checking if the data tool being used can integrate with Google Sheets. This integration can enable automatic updates, ensuring the data is always current.

Efficiency and Clarity

Efficiency and clarity are essential when creating and maintaining a 'backpocket' deck. Here are some tips shared by professionals:

  1. Video Explanations: Kevin Lau recommended creating short videos to explain key numbers and trends. This not only saves time but also provides clarity, allowing CEOs and CFOs to grasp complex information quickly.
  2. Data Synchronization: Peter Blair cautioned against using live data directly from Google Sheets, as it can lead to conflicting information. He suggested maintaining a manually synced version to ensure data consistency.
  3. Avoid Data Discrepancies: Sandy echoed Peter's point, emphasizing the importance of avoiding situations where data is out of sync. Data accuracy is crucial in high-stakes discussions.


The 'backpocket' deck is a valuable tool for CEOs and CFOs, providing quick access to critical information. By following the tips and recommendations shared by professionals, you can create an efficient and automated 'backpocket' deck that ensures data accuracy, saves time, and enhances clarity during important discussions. Whether you choose a Notion template, an organized workbook, or video explanations, the key is to have a reliable resource at your fingertips, ready to empower your decision-making process.

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