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Rhythm of the Business Calendar within LinkedIn

Rhythm of the Business Calendar within LinkedIn

Special thanks to Szilvia Kocsy for leading this!

During the meeting, topics discussed included:

  • Acknowledging and appreciating Szilvia's presentation ideas
  • David asking the team about their interest in the rhythm of the business and best practices
  • Robbie sharing his interest in understanding different verticals and their seasonality of business
  • Adrianna wanting to learn about the rhythm of a globally distributed company

Szilvia shared her experience of working at LinkedIn and explained how her role as Chief of Staff to the Managing Director of EMEA and LATAM fits into the organization's structure. She talked about the Rhythm of the Business Calendar, which was created to provide visibility and transparency across the organization. The Calendar was built on air table, which is a program management tool that enables teams to create scalable solutions.

Szilvia explained how the team went about creating the calendar, which started with creating a business case and then scoping out the project. They also created a champion group and a change management program to ensure the project's successful implementation. The Calendar has different components to it, including the Quarterly Business Review, the Monthly Business Review, and the Weekly Business Review. Szilvia emphasized that the Calendar was a live document and that it was updated regularly to ensure that everyone was on the same page.

The meeting emphasized the importance of collaboration, communication, and a willingness to learn from each other. It provided an opportunity for team members to gain a better understanding of the rhythm of the business and how a team can create a scalable solution that provides visibility and transparency across an organization.

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